My Blog


Welcome! As I was writing Live Your Playlist, I realized how much joy I find in writing and telling stories. So, I decided that a regular blog would be a great way for me to connect with you through storytelling. The stories that I write about on my blog are written in the same spirit as my book — to make you laugh, challenge your way of thinking, and inspire you to take action to strengthen your life! At the end of each blog, I post a playlist on Spotify. Share your thoughts and comments on my blog page; and feel free to post your playlist suggestions!

Words Never Sent

I’m the master of writing letters that I never send. They sit in my desk drawer. For months. Sometimes years. And overtime they are shoved to the back. Out of sight. And out of mind. Until a couple of years pass and I decide to do some desk drawer cleaning. And then...

Do The Dream

“You did it!”Those words broke me out of my trance this morning on the treadmill. I was feeling uninspired. Zapped of creativity. At a loss for words. And wondering if I had anything thoughtful to offer when I sat down to write my blog today. I was off my game and so...

A Higher Love
A Higher Love

 Stretch.The word alone can have different meanings. It may be a term used to push yourself outside of your boundaries. It can mean a long period of time. Some times, it’s another word for an exaggeration. Or, it can be used to make something longer or wider without...

Remind Me

Reminders. They are the keepsakes of our memories. Parting favors from the past. Souvenirs of happy times; or unwanted tokens of painful experiences. Sometimes we seek out our reminders. And other times they find us, intruding on our lives in an unwelcome manner....

A Higher Love
The Truth About A Lie

Why do we lie?I started thinking about that question the other day when I found out that a good friend told me a lie. It wasn’t a lie by omission. It was a look-me-in-the-eye, made-up-story kind of lie. This wasn’t a lie that was going to hurt anyone. And truth be...

A Higher Love
Living a Filtered Life

Edit. Crop. Fade. Whiten. Redeye and blemish removal. The list of options are endless when it comes to touching up images on our phones today. Need makeup? There’s an app for that. Looking too pasty? There’s an enhancement for that. Think your butt looks too big? No...

Never Lose the Fighter

"Like yourself. Love yourself, yes, but really LIKE yourself."Those words were written to me a few days ago by a special friend. The kind of friend who you don’t see on a regular basic, but when you get together, that person knows how to speak to your soul. My friend...

The Difference Maker

Rejection.Doubt.Those two words create cause and effect when it comes to our emotions. And neither the cause or the effect feels good. Rejection and doubt have no age discrimination. Nor do they care about our sex, skin color, or socioeconomic status. At some point in...

The Chains That Bound Me

Excitement. Accomplishment. Anticipation. Joy. FEAR. Those are the emotions that wash over me now that I’m days away from releasing my first book.It’s been my dream. My work of passion. And a very private part of my life that is soon to become public. Yes I put myself...

The Last Love Letter

I promised myself that this would be my last love letter. Sometimes I make promises to myself that I don’t keep. The great Ernest Hemingway said, "Write hard and clear about what hurts." Love. Why does it hurt? Should it hurt? Everyone will have a different answer to...

A Higher Love
The Gift of Time

Life can change in an instant. How true is that statement? If you've ever lost someone you love, you've felt the pain of those words. Our lives get so busy, we forget how precious time is. One minute, you're running out the door to greet the hecticness of your day;...

A Different Kind of Lullaby

"Will I ever be a mother?" That's a question I've asked myself many times over the last several years. And now that I've just celebrated my thirty-nineth birthday, that question has become a statement. I don't think it's in my cards to have a child. I'm writing about...

Freedom On Wheels

I remember the first time I got a set of wheels. I stood at about three feet tall. My dark brown hair was cut short and styled more curly than wavy. My round face was tanned from summer days at the local pool. And my hazel eyes lit up from simple joys as quickly as...

The Will Ferrell Lesson

Let me begin with this quote... “Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means ‘a whale’s vagina.’” If you're a fan of the movie Anchorman, you know that is one of the most quotable lines made by Will Ferrell’s character...

The Cover Up

Concealer. It's one of the best man-made inventions for vanity. And I've always had great skills when it comes to covering up blemishes. This fact dates all the way back to the 7th grade when my friend Shelly Mills got a hickey from Jake Drew. (These are made-up names...